Peggy Powell



Hocus Pocus 
Savannah Sky 
Hairy Little Monster 

Otterhound Club of America 
Canadian Kennel Club 
American Kennel Club 
Otter Hounds in the UK 
American Chinese Crested Club 



The question I am always asked, is "How did you decide on an Otterhound?" It's a rather convoluted story. Our beloved Max died August 13th, 2001. Since we are unable to live without a dog, I started hunting for the right breed while at our daily vet visits with Max. Since he was an Irish Wolfhound cross, I figured that might be a little tough to find, so started looking at purebreds again. I used to breed and show Keeshonden, but they don't fit our lifestyle any longer. I wanted a dog that looked like Max even though we knew he could never be replaced. First stop was the Italian Spinoni which I was fortunate to see on a tv show about the Westminster Show. They are extremely scarce though and I couldn't find a breeder in Canada. I looked at Giant Schnauzers, plus a couple of other large breeds, but nothing seemed quite suitable. And then I saw the Otterhound! Everything I read on the breed seemed to be just about perfect. We were fairly isolated from our neighbours so his distinctive bark wouldn't be a problem. We lived on the river so he could swim whenever he wanted to. And he was big and shaggy, no primping or trimming on this baby. I was lucky enough to find a breeder in Canada, Calgary to be exact, and the wait was on for a litter.

I had decided to present the coming puppy to my ex for his birthday. Luckily, he was just as excited at the prospect as I was and, it turned out, we only had to wait a week for our boy to be born. Nanüü was born on March 22, 2002, Bill's second oldest daughter's birthday. It was the breeder's N litter, which proved prophetic, since Bill had told Max that if he ever got another dog, his name would be Nanüü. Nanu is Inuit for bear, though at the rate he was growing we should have chosen Moose. We trusted Bev (Biren) to choose the right pup, I needed one to show, and he had to be the right temperment for a shop. Nanüü flew in on June 7th and was everthing we could have hoped for. Besides being cute as a button, he was calm and even tempered. He's still as stubborn as an Otterhound is supposed to be, but too loveable to worry about it. He also loves getting his picture taken.

We lost Nanuu on Ash Wednesday 2014. It was a very sad day for Otterhounds and a devastating day for us.

Best Puppy in Group (2nd time!)- Handler - Drobel Rojas

Introducing Ch Avitar's Nanüü O'canada Won July 15, 2005

Nanuu recommends Arf'ul Good Liver Treats. In fact, they're the only kind he WILL eat.