Jinglebelle is a powderpuff Chinese Crested born in Arkansas on October 23, 2011. This precious baby is my newest addition and will top the scales at a miniscule 10 lbs. No Jitterbug, this is not another squeaky toy.
I have admired the Cresteds at shows for a few years now. They prance around the ring like miniature horses. I was somewhat concerned about the hairless in our climate so went with powderpuff. They are supposed to be very intelligent so I had hoped to do agility and flyball with Jinglebelle when she got a bit older. Unfortunately, though she loves to run after balls and return them, she is unable to catch them.
Belle was taken to Mexico to be shown by my old handler Drobel Rojas. She was not shown, to my knowledge, and has not been returned to me. She has been reported stolen to both the AKC and Mexican Kennel Club. The police in Cancun wouldn't deal with me since I don't speak Spanish. I have lost hope of having her returned since it has been 4 years now.
Jinglebelle's breeder China's Chinese Cresteds.
Belle as a baby.
Belle's butt in the air as she digs her way to China in the snow.
Belle in Cancun, Mexico this past February being trained for show.